Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sitting still sucks.

I'm not a fan of sitting still. Especially when I am forced to do it for reasons that are beyond my control. I love to be active, so sitting here at the Mountain Training School's Alaska base camp trying to amuse myself while writing blogs and gear reviews are not what I would call an ideal situation. I'm stuck here while the rest of GS8 is finishing up the backpacking module deep in the Talkeetna Mountains. I want to be there SOOO badly! But I cannot. But, to look at things on the brighter side, I have had time to start this blog (and today I figured out how to post pictures to it!), advance into the top 100 gear gurus for, and concoct workout plans that include make shift kettlebells (admittedly, though, not very well constructed), and stare at Pioneer Peak taunting me every time I step outside.

 My makeshift "kettlebell."
Pioneer Peak looming out the back door.
Its hard to be patient sometimes but, patience is a virtue, or so I'm told! Never-the-less, I sit here as patiently as I can trying to allow my knee time to heal before I smash down mountains with oodles of weight in my pack. Waiting for the rest of my class to return from their first epic adventure without 20% of their classmates (aka me!). Yet as expressed in a previous post, I have chosen wisely and do not regret my decision to give my knee the extra time to heal so I can rejoin my classmates on what is sure to be some epic adventures to come!
mmmm bacon! I must admit, I don't really miss the dry food mixes, the instant potatoes, candy bars and the like we eat in the field! So I am happy I can eat fresh organic vegetables, eggs, bacon, good meat, and overall food that is actually good for me! So HA! that's one for me! seems as though I should go make some curry! or maybe just have a bite of ice cream....mmmm or maybe some bacon! mmmm bacon!

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos, esp. makeshift kettlebell. very awesome! tanks for writing.... so good to read it...


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