Thursday, August 1, 2013

An Obituary...(of sorts)

My car, my beloved 1995 Subaru Legacy station wagon, has sold. It has a nice new college aged girl to look after

My emotions are mixed. On one had, I loved that little car despite its little quirks and gimmicks and am sad to see it go. It served me well travelling across many states, on washboarded backcountry roads, up and down mountain passes so I could get to work, the trailhead or the ski hills, and performed with little problems time and time again when I packed it tetris style to its maximum capacity moving around in my classic nomadic style. I loved that car, it was a fantastic car to own and drive!

On the other hand, I was frustrated to no end with that POS car despite how much I loved it. It struggled, sometimes, to chug up even the littlest of hills causing road rage from people stuck behind me. I would bottom out over potholes that wouldn't have phased a lowrider. I couldn't roll down my window on 100 degree days to simply feel a breeze on my face. It leaked oil to the point of seeming like it had an engine fire billowing smoke from under the hood causing people to rush over to me to inform me that my car was smoking! "Yes, I am aware," as if I didn't see the cloud of smoke right in front of me!

BUT.... overall, I will miss that car. Despite its short comings, it was the best car I could have owned at that time of my life. I am grateful for its persistence to take me to places I wouldn't have been able to access with out it. I am thankful and sad. Sad to know that when I return home, it won't be sitting there waiting for me. Thankful that the next owner will have her own stories to make with it. She will have a car that will be reliable, functional and fun! She is excited and I am excited.

Big thanks to my dad for putting in the leg work of selling my beloved! Thanks dad!

You little Suby, you will be missed, we traveled far and wide together and you will never be forgotten or replaced....

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